Xero Getting Started Guide

Xero Getting Started Guide

ApprovalMax extends the online accounting platform Xero with approval-driven financial controls for Accounts Payable and Accounts Receivable. It replaces paper- and email-based approvals with fully automated multi-role and multi-tiered approval workflows to ensure spend control and regulatory compliance for both internal accounting and financial services outsourcing organisations.

  1. Start your free 14-day trial here
  2. Add and invite users to your Organisation and manage their roles
    Please note: You can add users to an Organisation right away and invite them later.
    On the Users page, you can track the status of all invitations.
    In order to perform any actions in ApprovalMax, users first need to accept the invitation.
  3. Set up approval workflows:
    1. AP/AR Credit Note workflow
    2. Please note: You can wait with activating your workflow until you're ready to use it.
      Approvers and Requesters will get notified about pending approvals, rejections and comments once they have accepted the invitation.

  4. Key features of the Xero integration (available in different plans):
  5. When your trial ends, you'll need to decide which subscription plan is right for you and start a paid subscription.
    You can add your Organisation to a subscription during the purchase or later.
    NotesPlease note: If your trial has expired and you then buy a subscription, you'll need to reactivate your workflows.

  6. Partner application
    If you offer bookkeeping, accounting or advisory services and want to become an ApprovalMax Partner, please apply for Partner status here.

  7. Education
    ApprovalMax provides a wealth of learning materials:
If you're busy with your daily activities but want the app to be up and running as soon as possible, the ApprovalMax Setup and Training Package might be the go-to option for you.
You can purchase it here.

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