Dext Prepare integration
How can I upload credit notes via Dext if I use the ApprovalMax for Xero integration?
The ApprovalMax for Xero - Dext integration supports only Expenses to be pushed from Dext to ApprovalMax. If you also need to push your Credit Notes from Dext to Xero, you can set the Dext-Xero connection as the primary one and the Dext-ApprovalMax ...
Can I connect a different Dext account to my ApprovalMax Organisation? (Xero)
If your ApprovalMax Organisation is already connected to a Dext account and you want to change this connection to another Dext account, please follow the steps below: Log into the Dext account to which you want to make the new connection. Go to ...
Why don’t I see my Xero Contact in Dext?
The reason why a Contact created in Xero and synced to ApprovalMax is not visible in Dext is that Dext syncs only Suppliers from ApprovalMax (via the Dext-ApprovalMax-Xero integration). Contacts in Xero are only recognised as a Supplier when a Bill ...
How can I change the integration in Dext? (Xero)
If you're having a problem with the ApprovalMax-Dext-Xero connection, the reason could be that you're integrated directly with Xero. If this is the case, you need to change the integration in Dext. This is how it works: On the Integrations page in ...
How to enable the synchronisation of a Xero Tax List in Dext
To sync your Xero Tax List to Dext, you need to enable "Use tax list" under the Dext Tax Settings in the section "Integration": Otherwise, if the Xero Tax List is different from the one in Dext, Xero might reject the request.
How can I publish Bills as "Awaiting Payment" to Xero after their approval in ApprovalMax?
Here is how you can publish Dext cost items as "Awaiting Payment" Bills to Xero after their approval in ApprovalMax: Set "Invoice" as the "Publish to" destination (Manage - >Connections ->Integrations): Select a Payment Method with no stored Bank ...
How can I publish Bills as Paid to Xero after their approval in ApprovalMax?
Here is how you can publish Dext cost items as Paid Bills to Xero after their approval in ApprovalMax: Set "Invoice" as the "Publish to" destination (Manage ->Connections ->Integrations): Select a Payment Method with a stored Bank Account (Lists ...
How to add a bank account in Xero and assign it to a payment method in Dext
You need to specify a bank account under "Payment methods" in Dext if you want your cost items to go through a predefined approval process in ApprovalMax and get published as "Paid" in Xero once approved. This is how it works: Create a bank account ...
On behalf of which user are Bills created that get pulled from Dext? (Xero)
All Bills received from Dext will be picked up by ApprovalMax and put through the designated approval process. When pulling Bills from Dext into ApprovalMax, all Bills will be created in the name of a specific user selected during the "Receive from ...
Why are my Xero account codes/tracking categories not reflected in Dext?
If the direct integration between Dext - ApprovalMax - Xero is activated, Dext pulls data such as tracking categories, account codes, suppliers, etc. from ApprovalMax every 24 hours. When you create a new tracking category/account/supplier/tax... in ...
Can I edit Bills which Dext has published to ApprovalMax?
Yes, such Bills can be edited by Reviewers that have been added in the Review step. Approvers with editing permission, can amend Bills that were published to ApprovalMax by Dext.
How can cost items from Dext bypass the approval workflow in ApprovalMax?
The documents pushed from Dext to ApprovalMax will only go through the predefined Bill Review and Approval workflow if the value "Invoice" has been selected as the "Publish to" destination in Dext. Select "BankAccount" as the "Publish to" destination ...
Video: How to set up the connection between Dext, ApprovalMax and Xero
ApprovalMax product walk-through: How to set up the connection between Dext and ApprovalMax How to set up the connection between Dext and ApprovalMax You can also refer to this article: How can I establish a connection between Dext, ApprovalMax and ...
How can I resubmit a rejected Bill that came via Dext?
If a Bill that Dext has published to ApprovalMax via the direct integration gets rejected, its Requester should amend, unarchive and publish it again to ApprovalMax.
How can I use Dext Expense Reports in ApprovalMax?
When Expense Reports get published to ApprovalMax, they are considered to be Invoices (Bills); the supplier for Expense Reports is generated as "[User Name] - Expense Report". An Expense Report is created as a bulk of "Costs" in Dext, each Cost item ...
How often is data synced with Dext?
New documents ApprovalMax pulls all new cost items captured by Dext and published as awaiting approval immediately. All documents Dext pushes to ApprovalMax go straightaway through the predefined Bill workflow. The synchronisation of changes Once ...
How does the direct Dext integration differ from the integration with Dext via Xero?
Integrating your Dext account with your ApprovalMax Organisation allows you to submit cost items for authorisation before creating them in Xero. Such approval requests will run through the pre-defined "Bill creation, review and approval" workflow in ...
Troubleshooting the connection between Dext and ApprovalMax (Xero)
In case you experience the connection between Dext and ApprovalMax not working as expected, the information in this article can be helpful for you. You don't receive documents from Dext In ApprovalMax, your trial organisation has expired In ...
How can I publish documents from Dext to ApprovalMax?
Any cost item captured with Dext can be published to ApprovalMax if it is set as: Receipt ATM Other Invoice Statement Delivery note Mileage However, cost items of the "Credit note/Refund" type are currently not supported. Please note: only the type ...
How can I disconnect Dext from ApprovalMax? (Xero)
To disconnect Dext from ApprovalMax, you must perform the disconnection in both Dext and ApprovalMax. It would be best if you started with Dext, though. Otherwise, if you cancel the connection to ApprovalMax first, you may experience failed push ...
How can I establish a connection between Dext, ApprovalMax and Xero?
Integrating Dext with your ApprovalMax Bill workflow enables Dext to push cost items directly to ApprovalMax. ApprovalMax will then run the predefined Bill approval workflow for such Bills and, after their final approval, push them to Xero in the ...