Purchase Order workflow
Who can set/change the GRN status in approved Xero Purchase Orders?
Purchase Order Requesters, Approvers and Organisation Administrators can track the statuses Not Received, Partially Received and Fully Received. They can also set/change the delivery status for approved Purchase Orders. To do so, click on the UPDATE ...
Does ApprovalMax support Goods Received Note for Xero PO?
Yes, ApprovalMax supports the GRN functionality for Xero Purchase Orders. This feature is a part of Advanced and Premium plan for Xero connected Organisations. You can use the setting Goods Received Note (GRN)* in the Purchase Order workflow to track ...
Can I create requests in a currency that differs from the default Xero currency?
Yes, this is possible in ApprovalMax. You need to set up multicurrency in Xero. Sync the currency setting to ApprovalMax. Then, during request creation in ApprovalMax, Requesters can select one of the currencies specified in Xero.
How to automatically email Purchase Orders created in ApprovalMax to a Supplier (Xero)
For Purchase Orders created directly in ApprovalMax, the platform offers the functionality to configure an email that will be sent to the Supplier once a Xero Purchase Order has been fully approved. You can add more email recipients under Xero ...
What happens with a document in ApprovalMax if I delete it in Xero?
If you delete an approved document in Xero, this information will be passed on to ApprovalMax. Therefore, the document in ApprovalMax will be cancelled. If you need to remove such a document from ApprovalMax, please contact support.
Auto-selection of Accounts in ApprovalMax for Xero
In Xero, you can set default Accounts for: Contacts Inventory Items ApprovalMax follows the same logic as Xero and applies your default Accounts in the following order of priority: 1. The default Account for the Inventory Item used in a ...
Why don't I see the delivery details in my PO PDF after approval?
A possible reason for not seeing the delivery details in your Purchase Order PDF after approval could be that the correct Theme was not used during Purchase Order creation or, if you're using a custom .docx template in your Theme, this template ...
Can a Purchase Order created and approved in ApprovalMax get sent to the Supplier by email afterwards?
If a Requester did not activate the checkbox Automatically Email Purchase Orders to the Supplier and their Purchase Order has now been authorised, they can still send this approved Purchase Order to the Supplier. To do so, they can download the ...
How can a user upload delivery notes to approved Purchase Orders and see such Purchase Orders in ApprovalMax?
In order to see all Purchase Orders in ApprovalMax, the user must be a Requester for all Purchase Orders or assigned to the Administrator role. Purchase Order Requester, Approver or Organisation Administrator can use GRN functionality to reflect the ...
How can I close approved PO to prevent matching?
If you don't use your approved PO any more and want to prevent matching Bills to it, you can mark PO as Billed in ApprovalMax or delete such PO in Xero, it will be marked as "Cancelled" in ApprovalMax.
How to set up a default Email to the Supplier
ApprovalMax supports setting up a default Email to the Supplier for Xero-connected Organisations. This is how it works: In the main menu, select the Organisation for which you want to set up a default Email to the Supplier and open "Approval ...
Will I receive a notification on the approval of a Draft Purchase Order/Bill in Xero?
ApprovalMax tracks documents that were created and then approved directly in Xero, without going through the appropriate approval workflow in ApprovalMax. Organisation's Administrators are notified about such approvals, as they could potentially be a ...
Do any attachments in rejected approval requests get published to Xero?
No. Purchase Orders/Bills that were created directly in ApprovalMax only get pushed to Xero once fully approved. Rejected approval requests, and their attachments, always stay in ApprovalMax.
Do attachments in the comment section get published to Xero?
No, attachments in the comment section are for internal use only and don't get pushed to Xero after approval; the same goes for all the comments.
Who can mark Xero Purchase Orders as Billed?
Xero Purchase Orders can be marked as Billed by: Administrators of Organisations in ApprovalMax Purchase Order Requesters Persons who are specified in the "Pull from Xero" section of a Purchase Order approval workflow (if Purchase Orders get created ...
How to add a delivery address in Purchase Orders
Delivery addresses are taken from the Xero Organisation's settings, or can be created from Xero Purchase Orders and synced to ApprovalMax. Here is how to create an additional delivery address: Open the Xero Purchase Order creation form and click on ...
Does ApprovalMax support the automated marking of Purchase Orders as "Billed"?
Yes, it is possible to have Purchase Orders marked as "Billed" automatically with appropriate PO matching setting activated.
Does ApprovalMax support a review and editing functionality for Xero Purchase Orders?
Yes, ApprovalMax provides an independent Review step for Xero workflows. The Review step is positioned before the Auto-Approval step, which makes it a dedicated stage for a thorough review and validation. Also, ApprovalMax allows Approvers who have ...
Xero Purchase Order life cycle
Purchase Order creation There are two ways of creating Purchase Orders for authorisation in ApprovalMax; they can either be created directly in ApprovalMax or get pulled from Xero. Purchase Order approval When you submit a Purchase Order for ...
Is there a way we can make Xero Purchase Orders look more company branded?
Yes, that's definitely doable, however, you'll need to do that on the Xero side. This is how it works: In Xero, click on the name of your Organisation and go to Settings —> Invoice settings. Here, change the theme. You can add a logo as well as ...
Why are Purchase Orders not showing in Xero after approval?
Purchase Orders will only be synced to Xero once they have been fully authorised (all approvals in all steps have been obtained). As long as a request is still pending the approval of one of the Approvers, it keeps the "On approval" status in ...
Is it possible to amend a supplier in ApprovalMax?
At the moment, ApprovalMax does not support the editing of suppliers that have been created in Xero. If you need to apply changes, you can do it in Xero. However, it is possible to amend contacts created directly in ApprovalMax with a Contact ...
How to handle cases with a Delivery Confirmation/Goods Receipt (GR) in ApprovalMax (Xero)
ApprovalMax supports two ways for handling delivery confirmations (GR). This is one option: You can use the setting Goods Received Note (GRN)* in the Purchase Order workflow to track the GR status in Purchase Orders. Learn more about GRN here. ...
Why do Suppliers not appear in ApprovalMax after their creation in Xero?
Xero treats Contacts in a specific way: a Contact only qualifies as a Supplier when there is at least one Bill associated with this Contact. There are 3 ways of dealing with this: Use a simple workaround: create a fake Bill for the Contact and then ...
How can I prevent Purchase Order Requesters from viewing bank details during supplier creation in ApprovalMax?
ApprovalMax allows the creation of new suppliers right in its platform, before they're being processed in Xero and added to the Xero Supplier list. If you want to prevent Purchase Order Requesters from viewing/filling in bank details during supplier ...
Is it possible to change a Purchase Order after its final approval?
While a Purchase Order has not been fully approved, its Requester has the option to edit the request (this means the Purchase Order will be resubmitted for approval), or to cancel it. As soon as a Purchase Order has been fully approved, it can no ...
Auto-selection of Taxes in ApprovalMax for Xero
In Xero, you can set default Taxes for: Contacts Inventory Items Accounts in the chart of Accounts ApprovalMax follows the same logic as Xero and applies your default Taxes for Bills, Invoices and AP/AR Credit Notes in the following order of ...
Where is the default value "Tax-Exclusive/Inclusive" taken from for Xero Purchase Orders?
For Xero Purchase Orders, the default value “Tax-Exclusive/Inclusive” is obtained from the Financial settings in Xero. You can, however, change the default tax treatment for transactions in your financial settings. You can also add default settings ...
Are there any files attached to the Purchase Order that gets sent to the Supplier?
A PDF file containing only the Purchase Order itself will be emailed to the Supplier after its final approval. If you attach any files to the Purchase Order, they will not be sent. However, when you select that your Purchase Order should be sent ...
When is the Purchase Order number assigned? (Xero)
As soon as a Purchase Order that you created is fully approved and sent to Xero, its Purchase Order number is assigned automatically. These numbers ascend incrementally. So, for example, if you have just started using Xero, your first Purchase Order ...
How can I make Purchase Order fields mandatory?
During the configuration of the Requester matrix you can decide for some fields whether they are to be mandatory, or optional. This is how you make certain fields mandatory: In the main menu find your Organisation and open Approval Workflows page ...
How can I specify instructions for Xero PO Requesters?
An Organisation's Administrator can provide a message that will be shown to Requesters during Purchase Order creation. This is how instructions for Purchase Order Requesters can be set up: Find your Organisation in the main menu and open Approval ...
How do I set up the Pulling from Xero step for Purchase Orders?
You can configure ApprovalMax to retrieve all Purchase Orders in the Submitted For Approval status from Xero and initiate the corresponding approval workflow. Here's how you enable the pulling of Purchase Orders with this status from Xero: In the ...
Attaching files to Xero Purchase Orders
During the creation of Xero Purchase Order, you can attach files. However, some technical limitations do apply. Below are supported file extensions, size and number of files that can be attached: File extensions — '.jpg', .jpeg', '.gif', '.png', ...
How can I mark a Purchase Order as Billed?
When a Purchase Order has been fully approved / matched with a Bill, it can be marked as Billed in ApprovalMax and the status Billed will be synced to Xero. See who can mark Purchase Orders as Billed. To mark an approved Purchase Order as Billed, ...
How can I configure the PDF file of a Purchase Order that will be sent to the customer?
During Purchase Order creation, the Requester selects a Theme for the Purchase Order. After its approval, a PDF file will be generated based on this particular Theme. Themes are configured in Xero and picked up by ApprovalMax. In order to change a ...
Why does the item code not show in the Purchase Order PDF?
If you use ApprovalMax for Purchase Order creation, approval, and dispatch to the supplier, you'll probably want to see the item code in the corresponding PDF file. However, there is no Item Code field in the default PDF template. To add it, open the ...
How can I print an approved Purchase Order?
Once a Purchase Order has been approved, ApprovalMax generates a PDF for this Purchase Order and attaches it to the Purchase Order in ApprovalMax. It is also possible to download this PDF in Xero itself. To do so, click on the "Print" button:
How does an accountant find out whether the Purchase Order has been emailed to the supplier?
This is how an accountant can check if a Purchase Order has been sent to the supplier: Go to Xero Accounts > Purchases > Purchase Orders. For each approved Purchase Order that was sent to the supplier, there is the status Sent in the respective ...
Why are taxes changed to Tax Exclusive after the Purchase Order was sent?
When a Purchase Order created in ApprovalMax is pushed to Xero after approval, it's important to note that the tax setting will automatically change to "Tax Exclusive". Additionally, Xero will recalculate the prices by default based on this tax ...
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