ApprovalMax Capture
Will I be charged for using ApprovalMax Capture even if it doesn't recognise any data from the document?
You will not be charged if you submit a valid document and ApprovalMax Capture is unable to extract data. However, if you submit an invalid document – like an empty page or a page from a book – from which no data is extracted, you will still be ...
I have multiple Organisations, how can I pay for ApprovalMax Capture?
ApprovalMax Capture is tied to your subscription. This means that all Organisations linked to that subscription can use ApprovalMax Capture.
What happens if I receive an invoice from a new Supplier?
If you receive an invoice from a new Supplier, ApprovalMax Capture won't be able to automatically find this Supplier. In this case, you'll need to create the Supplier manually either in Xero or directly in ApprovalMax. For detailed instructions on ...
Can ApprovalMax Capture handle handwritten notes or poor-quality receipts?
Yes, ApprovalMax Capture can process handwritten notes and poor-quality receipts. The process remains the same, but the amount of data recognised may vary depending on the quality of the source.
What languages does ApprovalMax Capture support?
ApprovalMax Capture supports over 40 types of languages: Albanian Arabic Bulgarian Chinese Croatian Czech Danish Dutch English Estonian Finnish French German Greek Hebrew Hungarian Icelandic Italian Japanese Korean Latvian Lithuanian Macedonian Malay ...
Does ApprovalMax Capture recognise Line Items?
ApprovalMax Capture recognises automatically all Line Item fields and intelligently prefills the Bill request with such data (like Accounts and Tracking Categories). This smart feature leverages your Organisation's historic Supplier data to ensure ...
Which accounting systems does ApprovalMax Capture work with?
Currently, ApprovalMax Capture is compatible with Xero. An integration with QuickBooks Online and NetSuite is planned for later in 2024.
How many documents can I process during an ApprovalMax Capture trial?
When trialling ApprovalMax Capture, you can process 100 documents. If you find that you need more than that and your trial is not yet over, please contact us to have the details reviewed. This is how you can explore ApprovalMax Capture If you're new ...
How can I try ApprovalMax Capture?
Choose the option that suits your needs best and start exploring ApprovalMax Capture: Live Organisation trial: Start a risk-free All Features trial and experience ApprovalMax Capture in your live Organisation. New Organisation trial: Create a new ...
How to submit files to ApprovalMax Capture via email
Provide the suppliers with your ApprovalMax email address, or, if you already receive invoices to your internal email, forward them as attachments to the dedicated email address you specified in the Bill workflow settings. ApprovalMax then ...
How to set up submitting files to ApprovalMax Capture via email
Streamline your invoice processing by receiving files via a dedicated ApprovalMax email address and submitting them for automated data recognition (OCR). For this purpose, you can share a unique ApprovalMax email address with your Suppliers and have ...
How can I purchase ApprovalMax Capture?
ApprovalMax Capture is now available for purchase in the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand and the European Union (currently, only Stripe-billed subscriptions are supported). We're working on adding other billing channels and will roll them out ...
How does account code recognition work in ApprovalMax Capture?
Currently, the account detection in Bills created via ApprovalMax Capture works based on Suppliers that were approved and pushed to Xero's bills history. The account code which was used most in the past for approved Bills from a particular Supplier ...
Video: How to use ApprovalMax Capture
ApprovalMax product walk-through: how to use ApprovalMax Capture:
What file types can be uploaded via ApprovalMax Capture?
During the creation of Xero Bills in ApprovalMax, you can attach files via ApprovalMax Capture. However, some technical limitations do apply. The supported file extensions as well as the size and number of files that can be attached are: File ...
How to bulk upload files via ApprovalMax Capture
This is how you bulk upload files and create Bills via ApprovalMax Capture: Click on the button. Select "Bill" and click on the BULK CREATE button: To have the attachments recognised and Bill fields populated automatically, select the kind of file ...
How to upload a single file via ApprovalMax Capture
This is how you upload individual files via ApprovalMax Capture to create Bills: Click on the button. Select "Bill" and click on CREATE A REQUEST: To have the data in the attachment recognised and Bill fields automatically populated, select "Upload ...
What is ApprovalMax Capture?
ApprovalMax Capture is an innovative add-on that streamlines Bill processing: Automatic upload of invoices directly into ApprovalMax - no more switching between multiple applications when creating Bills Automated data recognition - advanced ...