What is happening with the Matching feature?

What is happening with the Matching feature?

Since 1 April 2023, the Matching feature in ApprovalMax is no longer supported for Organisations on a Xero Standard plan.

ApprovalMax launched the basic Bill-to-Purchase Order Matching as a feature in 2017. In 2022, we announced our plan to discontinue this previous version because we have developed an advanced and new Matching feature that offers more flexibility and efficiency.
We therefore discontinued the support for the previous Matching version from 1 April 2023.

What is the difference?

The upgraded version of our Matching feature has a number of different benefits.
Here are some of the things that this upgraded feature can do:
  1. Many-to-many Matching and amount allocation
    ApprovalMax supports Many-to-many Matching, which means any number of Bills can be matched to any number of Purchase Orders.
    For example, if you raise a Purchase Order for $1,000, you can approve multiple Bills with varying amounts that are related to that Purchase Order. In this example, there could be one Bill of $500, then another Bill for $300 - which leaves a remaining Purchase Order balance of $200 that has yet to be billed. 
  2. Marking Purchase Orders as Billed automatically
    You can change your Matching settings so that when the last Bill related to your Purchase Order is approved, and the remaining balance is zero, your Purchase Order will automatically be marked as Billed. Depending on the number of Purchase Orders you have raised, this can save you a lot of time.
  3. Viewing the remaining balance for Bills and Purchase Orders
    You can view the remaining balance of both Bills and Purchase Orders. The remaining balance is calculated by taking the original document amount and subtracting any amount that has been matched to it. Remaining balances are automatically recalculated when a new match is added, an existing one is removed, or the matching amount is changed.
  4. Automatically remove a previous match
    Any match will be removed automatically if the related Bill gets deleted or rejected, if the corresponding Purchase Order is cancelled or deleted, or if the Supplier and Currency are no longer the same. You can also manually remove a match at any time.
  5. Gross or net matching
    You can specify whether you want to use gross or net amounts for the purpose of matching Bills to Purchase Orders.
  6. Administrators can still change matchings after the bill got approved
    Administrators now have the option to match Bills to Purchase Orders at any time, even if the Bill has already been approved, as well as delete or change matchings.

Where is the upgraded Matching feature available?

The upgraded Matching feature is available on our Advanced and Premium plans. You can start a free trial of this up​graded Matching version for 14 days. After trial expiration, you would need to upgrade from your current Standard plan.
Features you can try in our Advanced plan:
  1. Budget Checking: provide Approvers with the opportunity to check expenses against their budgets
  2. Bill-to-PO Matching: get better control over expenses by matching Bills to the relevant Purchase Orders
  3. Workflow Version History: keep track of your workflow history and easily revert back to previous versions
  4. Contact approval: approve Contacts before doing business with them, so new Bills cannot be created unless the Contact is in the system
  5. Auto-approvals: automatically approve recurring Bills when conditions are identical to the rules you set

Features you can try in our Premium plan:
  1. All features of the Advanced plan, mentioned above
  2. Batch Payment approvals (Xero users only): prepare and approve Batch Payments with ease
  3. Payments with Airwallex (UK only): pay your Bills directly in ApprovalMax
  4. Premium support: your support tickets are are given higher priority

How do I start using the upgraded Bill-to-PO Matching if I was using the previous version before?

Bill-to-PO Matching is available under our Advanced or Premium plans. You will need to migrate your Matching by following this simple process:

If you have any questions, please
contact our support team.

How does this change the process?

It won't change the process itself a lot, it's just more flexible and contains new features. However, you will need to allocate the Bill amount to the respective Purchase Order, and the Matching will be available from the Bill.

How is Bill-to-PO Matching reflected in reporting?