Review Step
How can Approvers return a request to the Review step?
Approvers can return a request to the Review step from any approval step without having to reject it: Requests that were returned to the On Review status can be edited and resubmitted for approval. When a request is submitted for approval from the ...
What can a Reviewer do?
When a request is On Review, the Reviewer can: Edit the request Match Bills to Purchase Orders Please note: the option to add a Purchase Order Requester as a Bill Approver is not available in the Review step. Purchase Order Requesters can only be ...
Who is the Default Reviewer?
When a new Tracking Option, Inventory Item, Contact, Account Code, etc. is added in Xero, chances are that this is not reflected in the review and coding matrix. To avoid skipping the Review step, a Default Reviewer can be put in place. Then, if ...
How can I remove a Reviewer?
Organisation Administrators can remove any Reviewer from a request. Reviewers of a request can remove those Reviewers they have previously added. This is how you remove a Reviewer: In the Review step, click on the Change the Reviewer button: Hover ...
Who can manually edit the Reviewers?
Administrators can add/remove Reviewers Auditors and Watchers cannot add/remove Reviewers Eligible Reviewers can reassign the review to another user, and can add other users as a Reviewer Eligible Reviewers can only remove those Reviewers they have ...
How can I reassign a request to another Reviewer?
To reassign a request to another Reviewer, click on the Reassign button: When you select a user, you can leave an optional comment. When finished, click on REASSIGN REQUEST:
Who can see requests that are On Review?
Users with the following roles can see requests that are On Review: Administrators/Account Owner Auditors Requester of the request Reviewer(s) of the request Watcher(s) of the request
How to set up a Review step
In the main menu, find the Organisation for which you want to set up a Review step. Then go to Approval Workflows under Workflows And Settings: Open the workflow for which you want to set up a Review step. Click on the “+” icon and select "Add Review ...
In which plans is the Review step functionality available?
The Review step is available for ApprovalMax Organisations under one of the supported subscription plans: ApprovalMax Trial Organisations connected to Xero (during the free 14-day trial period) ApprovalMax Advanced plan ApprovalMax Premium plan
What is the Review step?
ApprovalMax is introducing the Review step, a new and independent step that enhances the accuracy and efficiency of your approval workflows. The Review step is positioned before the Auto-Approval step. As this makes it the first step of an approval ...
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