Banks supported by ApprovalMax Pay
ApprovalMax Pay currently supports payments within the UK and uses open banking technology, which allows secure access to banking data via APIs. Currently, the following banks are supported:
- Allied Irish Bank
- Allied Irish Bank Business
- American Express UK
- Bank of Ireland (UK) plc
- Bank of Ireland Business UK
- Bank of Scotland (Personal)
- Bank of Scotland (Business)
- Bank of Scotland EU (Commercial)
- Bank of Scotland UK (Commercial)
- Barclaycard
- Barclaycard Commercial Payments
- Barclays Bank Personal
- Barclays Business
- Barclays Corporate
- Barclays Wealth
- Capital One
- Cash Plus
- Cater Allen
- Chase UK
- Chelsea Building Society
- Cooperative Bank
- Coutts & Company
- Cumberland Building Society
- Danske Bank
- Danske Bank Business UK
- First Direct
- AIB (NI)
- AIB (NI) Business
- Halifax Personal
- Handelsbanken UK
- Handelsbanken Business UK
- C. Hoare & Co.
- HSBC Personal
- HSBC UK Business
- HSBC Corporate
- HSBC Kinetic
- Lloyds (Personal)
- Lloyds (Business)
- Lloyds EU (Commercial)
- Lloyds UK (Commercial)
- MBNA Personal
- Metro Bank PLC
- Monzo
- M&S Bank
- Nationwide Building Society
- National Westminster Bank
- NatWest ClearSpend
- Natwest Bankline
- Royal Bank of Scotland
- Royal Bank of Scotland ClearSpend
- Royal Bank of Scotland Bankline
- RBS International ClearSpend
- Revolut
- Sainsbury's Bank PLC
- Santander UK Plc
- Soldo UK
- Starling Bank
- Starling
- Tesco Bank
- Thinkmoney
- Tide
- TSB Bank plc
- Ulster Bank (UK)
- Ulster Bank Bankline (NI)
- Unity Trust Bank
- Vanquis Bank
- Virgin Money
- Virgin Money (Essential)
- Wise
- Yorkshire Building Society
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