How can cost items from Dext bypass the approval workflow in ApprovalMax?

How can cost items from Dext bypass the approval workflow in ApprovalMax?

The documents pushed from Dext to ApprovalMax will only go through the predefined Bill Review and Approval workflow if the value "Invoice" has been selected as the "Publish to" destination in Dext.
  1. Select "BankAccount" as the "Publish to" destination if you want to bypass the approval process by default.

  2. Or, Select "BankAccount" as the "Publish to" destination if you want to bypass the approval process on a per-document basis.

  3. Then, the cost item coming from Dext will bypass the approval process and get published as a transaction to the specified bank account in Xero:

Please note: For all path through transactions ApprovalMax won’t allow to unarchive and publish them again.