What is the "Fraud detection — bypassing the approval workflow" feature?

What is the "Fraud detection — bypassing the approval workflow" feature?

ApprovalMax allows the proper tracking of documents that were created and then approved directly in Xero, without going through the appropriate approval workflow in ApprovalMax. Administrators of an Organisation are notified about such activities, as they could potentially be a sign of fraud.

To activate this feature, go to the Approval workflows page, open the respective workflow and click on the gear icon  to open the settings. Scroll down to "Fraud detection — bypassing the approval workflow".
In order Administrators to be notified, select "Pull this document to ApprovalMax", select a date and select a checkbox "Notify the Organisation's Administrators about documents that bypassed the ApprovalMax workflow".

This is how it works:
  1. An accountant creates and approves a document directly in Xero.
  2. During the next synchronisation between Xero and ApprovalMax, this document will be pulled to ApprovalMax and marked as "Approved". There will also be a comment saying that this request has been approved directly in Xero without going through the predefined workflow in ApprovalMax.
  3. The Organisation's Administrators will be notified of this activity by email.
NotesPlease note: If the document is not pulled to ApprovalMax, no notification will be generated.

Important note : turning on this feature proves useful for companies seeking to ensure that all financial documents are routed through ApprovalMax for managerial approval. However, if a company has finance documents created and approved directly in Xero as part of their normal process (e.g. created in an order management software), turning on this feature may cause the Administrators being flooded with notification emails and lots of finance documents sent for approval to ApprovalMax unnecessarily.