How can I upgrade one or several of my Organisations to the Advanced/Premium plan?
If you have tried our Advanced/Premium plan and decided to keep using it with some of your Organisations, you need to do the following:
Transfer the respective Organisation(s) to the new subscription.
On the Billing & Subscriptions page, under the Organisations tab, click on the three-dot menu next to the Organisation(s) you want to move and select "Move to another subscription":

Select the target subscription and confirm the transfer:

Request a downgrade for your previous subscription.
On the Billing & Subscriptions page, under the Subscriptions tab, click on the three-dot menu to the right of that previous subscription and request a downgrade:
Please note: we do not provide refunds for the Fees. Once a subscription licence has been purchased and the Service activated, refunds will not be issued for any reason, including early termination of the subscription, including termination of the account, or non-usage of the Service during the subscription period.