Why don't I see the delivery details in my PO PDF after approval?

Why don't I see the delivery details in my PO PDF after approval?

A possible reason for not seeing the delivery details in your Purchase Order PDF after approval could be that the correct Theme was not used during Purchase Order creation or, if you're using a custom .docx template in your Theme, this template doesn't contain the fields for delivery details.

The proposed solution to fix this problem is:
  1. Check if you're using the correct Theme during Purchase Order creation.
    Please note: the default Theme is the first one on the list in Xero. You can drag-and-drop the Theme you want to see by default to the top of the list:

  2. Check if your Theme .docx template has delivery details fields; if not, add it there.
  3. Sync the Themes to ApprovalMax.
  4. Select the correct Theme during Purchase Order creation:

Now, the Purchase Order PDF will include delivery details after approval.