Troubleshooting: potential errors during Manual Journal creation via a .csv file upload

Troubleshooting: potential errors during Manual Journal creation via a .csv file upload

When uploading a CSV file for Manual Journal creation, you might experience certain errors.
Below, you'll find details on what to then check and the corresponding solutions:


The file must be a CSV (Comma Separated Values) file. The name of your file should end with either .csv or .txt.
The file format is not CSV. You need to upload a file in the CSV format.
The file structure and data must meet the requirements for a .csv upload.
The data in your file does not match the required template. Please ensure that your file follows the correct format. Apply the necessary fixes and reupload the file.
Your file must contain only accounts supported by Xero Manual Journals.
Xero does not allow the use of some system accounts (incl. payables and receivables) or bank accounts within Manual Journals. Change the respective accounts and reupload the file.

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