How to upload a Manual Journal to ApprovalMax
Manually entering data into journals can be a tedious task, particularly when dealing with large volumes of transactions.
To streamline this process and save valuable time, ApprovalMax allows to upload Manual Journals in a predefined .csv format.
This feature is accessible within the edit form of Manual Journals and for Requesters in the Manual Journal workflow.
To successfully utilise this feature, make sure your CSV file adheres to the following requirements:
Header Row: the CSV file should contain a header row with column names matching exactly the table format.
- Narration: text field (up to 4,000 symbols). This field is mandatory.
- Date: dates in the English (United Kingdom) format, e.g., 25/12/2023 or 25 Dec 2023. This field is mandatory.
- Description
- AccountCode: alphanumeric value limited to 10 characters. This field is mandatory.
- TaxRate: tax rate
Amount: debit (positive) or credit (negative) amount. This field is mandatory.
- TrackingName1
- TrackingOption1
- TrackingName2
- TrackingOption2
Data Rows: each row in the CSV file should represent a line item, following the same order as the columns listed in the header row.
Maximum Size: each file is limited to a maximum of 500 rows.
Here is how you can upload a Manual Journal via a CSV file:
- Click on the +NEW REQUEST button in the top right-hand corner near your Avatar:
- In the pop-up window, select the request type Manual Journal from the respective Organisation and click on CREATE A REQUEST:
- In the Manual Journal creation form, click on the IMPORT FILE button:
- In the pop-up window, download the Template file and fill in the respective columns.
Below is an example of what the filled-in file should look like:
- When you have entered the required information, save the file and upload it to ApprovalMax by clicking on the UPLOAD CSV File button.
Then click on IMPORT to upload the import data from the CSV file:
- Double-check that all data is correct and submit the Manual Journal for approval:
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