Single Sign On (SSO): how to use your Google account for logging in to ApprovalMax

Single Sign On (SSO): how to use your Google account for logging in to ApprovalMax

Are you tired of tracking new logins and passwords? You can use your Google account as a Single-Sign-On with ApprovalMax. This way you only need to remember your Google credentials.

When you log in to ApprovalMax under select the button "Sign in with Google".

In case you are not already logged in to your Google account, you need to log in now. Your browser will redirect you to a Google login page. Select your account or enter your Google credentials. Your Google password will not be shared with ApprovalMax.

Congratulations. You are now logged in to ApprovalMax with a single sign on to Google.

If the email address you use with Google is not yet registered in ApprovalMax, you will be asked to create a new ApprovalMax account.

You can then select to create and administrate a new ApprovalMax organisation or to join an existing organisation as a user.