Single Sign Up (SSU): how to sign up for ApprovalMax with your QuickBooks Online account

Single Sign Up (SSU): how to sign up for ApprovalMax with your QuickBooks Online account

Are you tired of tracking new logins and passwords? Then just use your QuickBooks Online account for signing up with ApprovalMax. This way, you only need to remember your QuickBooks Online credentials.

Sign up for an ApprovalMax trial account on

Check the box for Terms and Conditions, then click on the button "Sign in with Intuit".

If you're not already logged into your Intuit account, you'll need to log in now. Your browser will redirect you to an Intuit login page. 
Please do not use single sign-on with Google on this page:

Enter your Intuit credentials and click on "Sign In"; your Intuit password will not be shared with ApprovalMax. Intuit will ask for a second factor to confirm your identity. Please grant ApprovalMax access to your profile information, email address, phone number and address.

With your QuickBooks Online email address we'll now create your ApprovalMax trial account. Please follow the Account Creation Wizard and enter the necessary data. With the single sign-up procedure, ApprovalMax will automatically connect to your QuickBooks Online account and also automatically create your connected QuickBooks Online Organisation. Just approve access for ApprovalMax to your QuickBooks Online Organisation and you're done with the setup of your ApprovalMax trial account.

In case your QuickBooks Online Organisation is already in use with ApprovalMax, or if you deny access to your QuickBooks Online Organisation, you'll need to do the manual setup for your trial. Please check this article on how to set up a trial manually.

Alternatively to your QuickBooks Online account, you can log in to ApprovalMax with your Google account.