How to create a Batch Payment

How to create a Batch Payment

This is how you enable Batch Payment creation in ApprovalMax Pay

First, you need to set up and activatea Batch Payment workflow.
In its Payment Creation section, you can specify all users who will be able to create approval requests for Batch Payments.
Please note: Batch Payment Requesters can see all Approved and Awaiting Payment Bills as specified in the Requester matrix settings, irrespective of the Bill workflow setup.

This is how you create a Batch Payment request

All Requesters added to the Creation step in the Batch Payment workflow can initiate Batch Payment requests in ApprovalMax:
  1. Click on the  button in the upper right-hand corner.
  2. In your Organisation, select "Batch Payment" and click on CREATE A REQUEST:

  3. Add a Bank Account:

    Select the Bank Account you want to make the payment from, and click on SAVE:

  4. Add Bills to the Batch Payment by clicking on ADD BILLS:

    Tick the checkboxes next to the Bills you want to include in the Batch Payment, then click on ADD in the top right-hand corner:

    You can use filters to find Bills with specific criteria, or group Bills by Supplier:

    The checkbox at the top – for excluding Bills that are reserved for other batches – is activated by default. Unless you untick it, such Bills will not be listed.

    Please note: To pull all Bills from Xero to ApprovalMax for processing with the Batch Payment Creation and Approval workflow, activate the option Fraud Detection – Bypass the Approval Workflow in the Bill workflow.

  5. You can merge Bills with identical Suppliers into a single transaction by activating the respective checkbox after you've added these Bills to a Batch Payment:

    Merging such Bills creates a new line that contains those with identical payment details.

    Please note: The merging option becomes available if there are multiple Bills with identical Contact payment details and all lines have complete payment information.

  6. Fill in the mandatory data such as payment amount, payment details and payment reference.
  1. ApprovalMax supports partial payments for Bills. You can specify the amount to be paid in the Payment Amount field.
    *Amount Due is the amount left to pay (its calculated as the Bill's due amount minus the amounts of Bills reserved within other Batch Payments that are In Processing / On Approval / Awaiting Payment. It gets updated during the next synchronisation with Xero.
    Please note:
     Amounts reserved for Airwallex Batch Payments and Xero Batch Payments are not taken into account.
  2. Payment details can be created either in advance in the workflow settings, or during Batch Payment creation if the Requester was granted the respective permissions.
    To check the payment details, click on CHECK PAYMENT DETAILS. Their status will be displayed right next to the Payment Details field.
  3. The Reference field for each Bill contains a payment reference with up to 50 symbols, which you can edit:

    The Reference field for cumulative lines (when merging Bills) holds up to 18 symbols:

  1. When you've entered the required details, submit the Batch Payment request for approval.

The other option for creating a Batch Payment request is via the PAY WITH APPROVALMAX button in approved but not yet paid Bills:

Such Bills will be included in the Batch Payment request:

The subsequent procedure is the same as described above.
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