How to create Contact payment details

How to create Contact payment details

Please note: it is important to grant user permissions to allow access to the Contact Details section.
There are two options for creating Contact payment details in ApprovalMax:
  1. Under Workflows And Settings → Contact Payment Details
  2. In Batch Payment requests

This is how you create Contact payment details from Workflows And Settings:

  1. Find your Organisation and open the Contact Details page under Workflows And Settings:

  2. Select the Contact you want to add payment details for.
  3. Click on the +ADD PAYMENT DETAILS button.
  4. Enter the required values in the New Payment Details pop-up window:
    1. Bank account country (currently, only UK is supported)

    2. Bank account name

    3. Sort code

    4. Bank account number

    5. Bank account currency

    6. Tick the checkbox for Set as Default, if you want these payment details to be automatically applied in Batch Payments to this Contact.

  5. Click on SAVE.

This is how you create Contact payment details from a Batch Payment request:

  1. Start the creation of a Batch payment request.
  2. Click on the Payment Details field and select "Add payment details":

  3. Enter the required values in the New Payment Details pop-up window:
    1. Bank account country (currently only UK is supported, so this is the default value)

    2. Bank account name

    3. Sort code

    4. Bank account number

    5. Bank account currency

    6. Tick the checkbox for Set as Default, if you want these payment details to be automatically applied in Batch Payments to this Contact.

  1. Click on SAVE.

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