Can I change the default currency?
ApprovalMax pulls the information about the default currency from QuickBooks Online when you initiate the first connection. If you change the default currency in QuickBooks Online at a later stage, this information will not be synchronised automatically from QuickBooks Online to ApprovalMax.
There is an easy workaround though for forcing ApprovalMax to synchronise the default data anew. This is how it works:
- In the main menu select your Organisation and open "Organisation settings and connection" page under "Workflows and settings" section.

Disconnect ApprovalMax from QuickBooks Online.

Wait for the disconnection to complete.
Reconnect to QuickBooks Online again.

You will then be taken to the QuickBooks Online login page and need to enter your login credentials.
Once you are successfully logged in, QuickBooks Online will ask you to approve data sharing with ApprovalMax. Click on the "Connect" button to allow data sharing again.
You are now back on the ApprovalMax Organisation page where ApprovalMax tells you that the connection has been established and the updated data has been pulled from QuickBooks Online.
Now, your changed default currency will be shown correctly in ApprovalMax.