Attaching files to QuickBooks Online Journal Entries

Attaching files to QuickBooks Online Journal Entries

During the creation of QuickBooks Online Journal Entries in ApprovalMax, you can attach files. However, some technical limitations do apply.
Below are supported file extensions as well as the size and number of files that can be attached:
  1. File extensions:  '.pdf', '.jpeg', '.jpg', '.png', '.doc', '.docx', '.xlsx', '.xls', '.csv', '.tiff', '.gif', '.xml', '.eps', '.ai', '.ods', '.rtf', '.txt'
  2. Max. file size: 25 MB
  3. Max. number of files: 50 (including audit report)
Please note:
  1. All files will be checked by antivirus software
  2. All unsupported symbols will be automatically changed to supported symbols

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