Xero Bill life cycle

Xero Bill life cycle

Bill creation

There are several ways of creating Bills in ApprovalMax, please follow this link for details: How you can create Bills in ApprovalMax.

Bill review

The Review step is positioned before the Auto-approval step. As this makes it the first step of an approval workflow, it provides a dedicated stage for a thorough review and validation. The Reviewers specified in this step can edit Bills and submit them for approval. 

Bill-to-PO matching

The current Bill Reviewers added in the Review step as well as Purchase Order Requesters and Organisation Administrators can match not yet approved Bills to Purchase Orders that have been approved but are not marked as Billed and state the same Currency and Supplier. You'll find more details on matching here: Bill-to-PO matching.

Bill approval and review process

When you submit a Bill for approval, it will run through the predefined workflow. Approvers with editing privileges can modify requests during the approval process without having to reject them. Only when all approvals for a Bill have been collected, will it get pushed to Xero in the Awaiting Payment status.
Once all approvals are in place, Bills are pushed to Xero in the Awaiting Payment status with a detailed audit trail of the entire workflow as well as all attached documents.
ApprovalMax also supports a Xero Batch Payment creation and approval process. All approved Bills in the Awaiting Payment status can be included in a Xero Batch Payment, which will run through the predefined workflow. Once all approvals are in place, the Xero Batch Payment is pushed to Xero and those Bills that have been fully paid change their status to Paid.

Alternatively, you can add a Payment to such Bills in Xero to change the Bills' status to Paid. This new status will then get synced to ApprovalMax as described in: How often is data synced with Xero?