Xero App Store purchase

Xero App Store purchase

As one of the purchasing options, ApprovalMax offers billing through the Xero App Store. This means: referral customers, i.e. those who signed up via Xero SSU on the Xero Marketplace (https://apps.xero.com/uk/app/approvalmax) and whose billing country is either UK, AU or NZ, will be routed through the Xero App Store billing channel when they purchase an ApprovalMax for Xero monthly subscription for one Organisation and the account is not a Partner Account.

Here is how it works step by step:

  1. Log into Xero:

  2. Go to Xero APP Marketplace > ApprovalMax and click on Get This App:

  3. On the next page, allow ApprovalMax access to your user account information in Xero:

  4. Create an account in ApprovalMax: enter the first and last name and phone number, then click on NEXT:

  5. Connect ApprovalMax to your Xero Organisation:

  6. Allow ApprovalMax access to the Organisation's data:

  7. Select a Xero Organisation and confirm your choice:

  8. When you're ready to activate the subscription, go to the Billing & Subscriptions page, open the Organisations tab and click on BUY A SUBSCRIPTION next to your Organisation:

  9. On the one-page shopping card, select one of the countries (UK, AU or NZ) and the corresponding billing currency:

  10. Then select “Monthly payment”:

    Activate the checkbox next to the Organisation that will be added to the subscription and make sure the number of Organisations is 1.

  11. If all the above conditions are met, you'll be redirected to the Xero App Store to complete your purchase by clicking on PROCEED TO CHECKOUT.
Please note: if one of the conditions is not met (because of annual payment/Partner account/purchase for more than one Organisation), you will not be redirected to the Xero App Store. You will then be offered to proceed to payment with Stripe.
  1.  In the Xero App Store, select and confirm a plan:

  2. Enter the billing details and click on Go To Payment:

  3. On the next screen, enter the payment details and click on Pay Now:

  4. You'll then receive payment confirmation:

  5. In ApprovalMax, you'll find the information about your subscription:

This is how you can change your subscription plan:

  1. Log into Xero, open ApprovalMax in the Xero App Store. Then click on ApprovalMax under App Store Subscriptions:
  2. Click on Change Subscription:
  3. Select a plan:

    *The same screen will open if you click on Change The Plan under the Subscriptions tab on the Billing & Subscriptions page in ApprovalMax:

    When you made your choice, confirm the plan:

  4. You'll then receive a confirmation:

Please note: you'll have access to your new upgraded plan immediately. On the next billing date, you will be charged an additional pro rata fee. 
See here an example of the pro-rata-fee calculation.

If you move from a more expensive plan to a less expensive one, the change of plan will be applied starting from the next billing date:

This is how you can update your payment method:

  1. Log into Xero and open ApprovalMax in the Xero App Store. Then click on Update in the Payment Method section:
  2. Edit your payment details and click on Update:

    * You'll be redirected to the same page if you click on UPDATE YOUR PAYMENT DETAILS under the Subscriptions tab on the Billing & Subscriptions page in ApprovalMax:

This is how you can update your billing details:

  1. Log into Xero and open ApprovalMax in the Xero App Store. Then click on Update in the Billing Details section:

  2. Change your billing details and click on Update:

This is how you can cancel your subscription:

  1. Log into Xero and open ApprovalMax in the Xero App Store. Then click on ApprovalMax under App Store Subscriptions:

  2. Click on Cancel Subscription:
  3. Confirm the cancellation:

  4. You can reactivate your subscription any time:

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