Why don’t I see my Xero Contact in Dext?

Why don’t I see my Xero Contact in Dext?

The reason why a Contact created in Xero and synced to ApprovalMax is not visible in Dext is that Dext syncs only Suppliers from ApprovalMax (via the Dext-ApprovalMax-Xero integration). 
Contacts in Xero are only recognised as a Supplier when a Bill got created for them.

The solution to reflect in Dext a Contact created in Xero is as follows:

1. Create a Bill with the amount of 0.01 in Xero for this Contact (then, the Contact will be recognised as a Supplier).
2. Void this Bill in Xero.
3. Sync the Contacts in ApprovalMax (the Supplier status will be updated in ApprovalMax).
4. Refresh the Supplier list in Dext (Dext will pull the Suppliers from ApprovalMax).

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