Why is a Bill that's part of an approved Xero Batch Payment still Awaiting Payment?

Why is a Bill that's part of an approved Xero Batch Payment still Awaiting Payment?

This could be a case of partial payment. The Amount Due, i.e. the amount left to pay (calculated as Bill’s amount due minus Bill’s payment amount on approval minus Bill’s payment amount in processing minus Bill’s payment amount awaiting payment), gets updated during the next synchronisation with Xero. If the due amount is not equal to zero it means your Bill has not been fully paid yet and therefore still has the Awaiting Payment status in Xero:

Bill’s amount due is fetched from Xero Bills' data.
Amount on approval is calculated as Bill’s payment amount which is on approval within Airwallex Batch Payments or another Batch Payments.
Amount in processing is calculated as amount of Bill’s payments which are in the status "In Processing"
Amount in awaiting payment status is calculated as amount of Bill’s payments which are in Airwallex Batch Payments with the status "Awaiting payment".
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