The person who connects ApprovalMax to Xero needs full access to the Xero file.
Requesters who create Purchase Orders/Bills in ApprovalMax don't need any access to Xero, another major advantage.
As Approvers and Requesters do not need to have access to Xero, this allows to involve them into the approval process without adding to Xero.
If users do have access to Xero anyway, they can use Xero SSO capability to access ApprovalMax.
To cover this gap, ApprovalMax provides a Fraud detection feature which provides tracking of all documents that are created and approved directly in Xero without going through the pre-defined approval workflow in ApprovalMax. Administrators are notified of such events.
If a data entry solution (OCR) such as Dext is used, persons who submit Bills for approval don't need access to Xero — the Bill can simply be sent to the email address provided by the data entry tool. This does help prevent inappropriate Bill approvals directly in Xero as well.