When does the Account Owner/Billing Contact of a party get notified?

When does the Account Owner/Billing Contact of a party get notified?

NotificationAccount OwnerBilling Contact
What triggers the notification?
Trial expired
A trial Organisation has expired
Organisation plan was changed to a free Partner Edition
An Organisation on a Partner Account is marked as a free Partner Edition
Partner application
Partner application  submitted
A prospective Partner submitted an application for partnership
Partner application  approved
A prospective Partner's application has been verified by ApprovalMax staff and is now awaiting agreement signing  
Partner application  rejected
A prospective Partner's application has been rejected by ApprovalMax staff
Partner agreement  approved
A prospective Partner agreement has been verified by ApprovalMax staff and the applicant has become a Partner
Partner agreement  rejected
A prospective Partner agreement has been rejected by ApprovalMax staff
Partner application  approved - reminder #1
A prospective Partner has not submitted the signed agreement in the last 2 days
Partner application  approved - reminder #2
A prospective Partner has not submitted the signed agreement in the last 5 days
Partner application  approved - reminder #3
A prospective Partner has not submitted the signed agreement in the last 11 days
Subscription in grace - reminder #1

A subscription has been in grace period for 5 days and there was no action by the customer
Subscription in grace - reminder #2

A subscription has been in grace period for 10 days and there was no action by the customer
Preliminary subscription report

Sent 7 days before the subscription renewal date
Subscription expired
The subscription has expired (the grace period is over)
Subscription cancelled
The subscription has been cancelled
Subscription pending cancellation
The subscription has been cancelled but the cancellation will take effect in 14 days, not immediately
Order paid

The subscription order has been processed (new purchase, renewal, upgrade)
Not-for-profit nomination
Organisation NFP-nomination
An Organisation was nominated as an NFP by its Account Manager/Owner
Organisation NFP-nomination approved
The NFP-nomination of this Organisation has been approved by ApprovalMax Sales
Organisation NFP-nomination rejected
The NFP-nomination of this Organisation has been rejected by ApprovalMax Sales
Organisation transfers
Organisation transfer initiated
The Account Owner has initiated a transfer of Organisations
Transfer completed
The target Account Owner has completed the transfer
Transfer cancelled by the Owner
The source Account Owner has cancelled the transfer
Transfer cancelled by the Target
The target Account Owner has cancelled the transfer
Organisation transfer requested by target
The target Account Owner (Organisation Administrator) has requested an Organisation transfer

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