What is the "Fraud Detection — changes after approval" setting?

What is the "Fraud Detection — changes after approval" setting?

ApprovalMax tracks all changes that are made to a finance document in Xero after the document has been approved in ApprovalMax.

This includes the Organisation wide changes such as suppliers, tracking categories or accounts. 

ApprovalMax enables Administrators to configure which changes will be tracked (see screenshot for reference). For example, it can be specified that a change of supplier won’t be tracked while any change of the amount will.

This feature is available for Bills, Sales Invoices, AP/AR Credit Notes and Purchase Orders and can be configured by clicking on the icon in the respective approval workflow.

If a change occurs in Xero, a notification email is sent to the Organisation Administrators to make them aware of it. To see the alteration, the Administrator eeds to open the respective document in Xero and check its history. The change will be marked as "Edited" and provide only the new value.
Please note: Changes are tracked and will trigger a notification, even if it’s not visible in the history of specific documents.
To see the detailed history of the changes made (i.e. both the previous and the new value), they need to open the ApprovalMax audit report and take note of the previous value, before checking it against the new value in Xero.