What are Contact payment details?

What are Contact payment details?

Please note: It is important to grant user permissions to allow access to the Contact Details section.
Contact payment details are the bank details of a payment recipient, which have been matched to a particular Contact. They are used for Batch Payment transactions in ApprovalMax Pay

In the Contact Details section, you'll see a list of Xero Contacts and their financial details as synced from Xero.
You can easily find and access your Contacts via the search function. If payment details for them are stored, they are marked as Has Details.

Adding a Contact's payment details is mandatory for payment execution in ApprovalMax.

The required fields for payment details are:
  1. Bank account name
  2. Bank account number
  3. Sort code
  4. Bank account currency
  5. Bank account country

If you add new or change/remove existing Contact payment details, it will be reflected in the audit trail.
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