What if the Airwallex Batch Payment has been paid and reconciled in Xero, and afterwards the Failed status is returned?

What if the Airwallex Batch Payment has been paid and reconciled in Xero, and afterwards the Failed status is returned?

Very rarely, for instance, if there is a typo in the beneficiary account, it may happen that Airwallex sends a payment and returns the Paid status. Still, sometime later, the beneficiary bank returns the payment to Airwallex, which causes Airwallex to apply the Failed status to that particular document in ApprovalMax.
If the reconciliation has already been done, we would recommend a manual workaround in Xero for such cases:
  1. Create a Credit Note for a Contact in Xero for the returned amount and approve it.
  2. Create a Refund in Xero for this Credit Note.
  3. Reconcile the Refund with the bank statement from Airwallex*.
    *Airwallex should be connected to Xero to enable pushing bank feeds to Xero, which is required for reconciliation.
As soon as the Failed status is returned from Airwallex, the amount of that Bill becomes available for further processing and can be used in a new Airwallex Batch Payment. 

Please note: after three days with the Failed status, Batch Payments automatically turn Cancelled.

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