ApprovalMax supports a feature to review the previous versions of the workflow versioning. Every workflow version has the following data: Author Creation date Version # Comment By clicking on the clock button, a list of workflow archive versions is ...
ApprovalMax supports a feature to review the previous versions of the workflow versioning. Every workflow version has the following data: Author Creation date Version # Comment By clicking on the clock button, a list of workflow archive versions is ...
ApprovalMax supports a workflow versioning feature to review the previous versions of a workflow. Every workflow version has the following data: Author Creation date Version # Comment By clicking on the clock icon, a list of the archived workflow ...
ApprovalMax supports a feature to review the previous versions of the workflow versioning. Every workflow version has the following data: Author Creation date Version # Comment By clicking on the clock button, a list of workflow archive versions is ...
ApprovalMax supports a Workflow Versioning feature to enable the review of previous workflow versions. Every workflow version has the following data: Author Creation date Version # Comment By clicking on the clock icon, a list of archived workflow ...