ApprovalMax product walk-through: How to copy a Bill or Purchase Order to create a new Bill for approval directly in ApprovalMax You can also refer to this article: How to copy Xero Purchase Orders to a ...
ApprovalMax product walk-through: How to copy a Bill or Purchase Order to create a new Bill for approval directly in ApprovalMax How to copy a Bill or Purchase Order to create a new Bill for approval directly in ApprovalMax - YouTube You can also ...
There are several options for creating Sales Invoices which are then run through the approval workflow in ApprovalMax: Sales Invoice creation in Xero Sales Invoice creation in ApprovalMax Sales Invoice creation in ApprovalMax as a copy of Quote Sales ...
To create Quotes directly in ApprovalMax, the respective workflow should be set up and activated. Click on the "+NEW REQUEST" button in the top right-hand corner near your Avatar: In the pop-up window, select the request type from the respective ...
Bill creation There are several ways of creating Bills in ApprovalMax, please follow this link for details: How you can create Bills in ApprovalMax. Bill review The Review step is positioned before the Auto-approval step. As this makes it the first ...