ApprovalMax product walk-through: how to create a Vendor in ApprovalMax You can also have a look at this article: How does the approval of Vendor work?
Yes, absolutely. In the mobile app: Requesters can create Contact requests and submit them for approval Approvers can approve/reject Contact requests, reassign requests to other Approvers, and communicate with the Requester and other Approvers in the ...
All users that were added as a Requester in the Creation step can create requests in ApprovalMax: Requests created in ApprovalMax are pushed to the accounting system (Xero, QuickBooks Online, NetSuite) upon their final approval.
ApprovalMax product walk-through: How to submit a Bill for approval directly in ApprovalMax You can also refer to this article: How to create Xero Bills for approval in ApprovalMax
The reason why a Contact created in Xero and synced to ApprovalMax is not visible in Dext is that Dext syncs only Suppliers from ApprovalMax (via the Dext-ApprovalMax-Xero integration). Contacts in Xero are only recognised as a Supplier when a Bill ...