This is how you connect ApprovalMax to Xero: In the main menu, find your ApprovalMax Organisation. Then open Approval Workflows under Workflows And Settings. Click on the CONNECT button next to ApprovalMax Workflows for Xero. Select the respective ...
ApprovalMax product walk-through: How to set up the connection between Dext and ApprovalMax How to set up the connection between Dext and ApprovalMax You can also refer to this article: How can I establish a connection between Dext, ApprovalMax and ...
Are you tired of tracking new logins and passwords? Then use your Xero account for signing up to ApprovalMax. This way you'll need to remember only your Xero credentials. To start your ApprovalMax trial account, visit ...
Are you tired of tracking new logins and passwords? Then just use your QuickBooks Online account for signing up with ApprovalMax. This way, you only need to remember your QuickBooks Online credentials. Sign up for an ApprovalMax trial account on ...