Each ApprovalMax product (ApprovalMax for Xero and ApprovalMax for QuickBooks Online) has three plans (Standard, Advanced, Premium) that differ regarding the available features. The best option depends on your needs. If you want to use only the ...
Yes, this is possible. All Administrators of Organisations under a non-Partner subscription that are on a paid Standard plan can access all features for a free 14-day trial period. During your All Features trial, you can also try key add-ons like ...
The Auto-Approval functionality is only available with Advanced/Premium subscriptions. If you'd like to try the Auto-Approval feature, you can request a free Advanced Features trial for 14 days, or upgrade your subscription. Please contact our ...
Bill-to-PO Matching is available for ApprovalMax Organisations under one of the supported subscription plans: ApprovalMax Trial Organisations connected to Xero (during the free 14-day trial period) ApprovalMax Advanced plan ApprovalMax Premium plan
If you have tried our Advanced/Premium plan and decided to keep using it with some of your Organisations, you need to do the following: Buy a new subscription. Open under Billing & Subscriptions the Subscriptions tab and click on "ADD A ...