The NFP application process

The NFP application process

ApprovalMax offers eligible not-for-profit organisations like churches, charities, schools, sports associations, etc. a 20% discount for product subscriptions. To qualify for this special discount, your ApprovalMax Organisation needs to be added to a dedicated NFP subscription.

When you start using ApprovalMax (under a free trial) and you are a not-for-profit (NFP) organisation, complete the NFP application process and contact the ApprovalMax Sales team. When ApprovalMax has confirmed your NFP status, you can proceed with the subscription purchase and the discount will be applied during the process.

If you have purchased a subscription earlier and your organisation has since changed its status, nominate your ApprovalMax Organisation as a Not-for-Profit once you have acquired the related documents.

Please note: the discount will only be applied if ApprovalMax has confirmed your NFP status.
Please note: not-for-profit organisations are not eligible for a discount on the ApprovalMax Capture add-on.

This is how you request the NFP status: 

  1. Log into your ApprovalMax account, click on your Avatar and open Billing & Subscriptions:

  2. Under the Organisations tab, click on the three-dot menu next to your Organisation and select "Nominate as Not-for-Profit":

  3. Fill in the required information in the pop-up window and submit your application:

    You'll now see a grey icon  next to that Organisation:

  4. The ApprovalMax Sales team will be notified and verify your application.
    Please contact the ApprovalMax Sales team if you have any questions regarding the submitted documents.

    1. Once your organisation has been acknowledged as NFP, you'll receive an automated email confirmation:

    2. If we cannot confirm your NFP status, you'll be informed about this by email:

  5. Once we have approved your NFP nomination, you'll see a green icon  next to your Organisation:

    All changes can be tracked under the History tab in Billing & Subscriptions:

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