A list of endpoints available in the Public API

A list of endpoints available in the Public API

For making calls against the API, please refer to the endpoints below, or to the swagger :
GET /ping This endpoint is used for checking the overall availability and responsiveness of the ApprovalMax Public API.

When a GET request is made to this /ping endpoint, the API will respond with a success status code (e.g. 200 OK) and a simple message indicating that the API is available and operational. 
GET /api/v1/companies This endpoint allows you to retrieve information about the Organisations embedded in the token.

When a GET request is made to this endpoint, the API response contains a list of Organisations: name and companyId.
GET /api/v1/companies/{companyId}/xero/contacts 
This endpoint allows you to retrieve all Xero Contacts that are available for the Organisation.
GET /api/v1/companies/{companyId}/xero/taxes
This endpoint allows you to retrieve all Xero Taxes that are available for the Organisation.
GET /api/v1/companies/{companyId}/xero/tracking-categories
This endpoint allows you to retrieve all Xero Tracking Categories that are available for the Organisation.
GET /api/v1/companies/{companyId}/xero/accounts
This endpoint allows you to retrieve all Xero Accounts that are available for the Organisation.
GET /api/v1/companies/{companyId}/xero/items 
This endpoint allows you to retrieve all Xero Items that are available for the Organisation.
GET /api/v1/companies/{companyId}/xero/branding-themes
This endpoint allows you to retrieve all Xero branding themes that are available for the Organisation.
GET /api/v1/companies/{companyId}/standalone/currencies
This endpoint allows you to retrieve all Xero Currencies that are available for the Organisation.
GET /api/v1/companies/:companyId/xero/purchase-orders/:requestId This endpoint allows you to retrieve specific Purchase Order details for a particular Organisation you have granted access to.

When a GET request is made to this endpoint, the API response contains the details of the Purchase Order. 
GET /api/v1/companies/:companyId/xero/purchase-orders This endpoint allows you to retrieve a list of Purchase Orders associated with a specific Organisation in Xero you have granted access to.

When a GET request is made to this endpoint, the API response contains a list of Purchase Orders with the selected parameters that are associated with the specified Organisation. 
POST /api/v1/companies/{companyId}/xero/purchase-orders
This endpoint allows you to create a Xero Purchase Order request in the Draft status.
PUT /api/v1/companies/{companyId}/xero/purchase-orders/{requestId}
This endpoint allows you to edit a Xero Purchase Order request. 
POST /api/v1/companies/{companyId}/xero/purchase-orders/{requestId}/submit
This endpoint allows you to submit a Xero Purchase Order request for approval.
PUT /api/v1/companies/{companyId}/xero/purchase-orders/{requestId}/mark-as-billed
This endpoint allows you to mark a Purchase Order as Billed.
GET /api/v1/companies/:companyId/xero/bills/:requestId This endpoint allows you to retrieve specific Bill details for a particular Organisation you have granted access to.

When a GET request is made to this endpoint, the API response contains the details of the Bill. 
GET /api/v1/companies/:companyId/xero/bills This endpoint allows you to retrieve a list of Bills associated with a specific Organisation in Xero you have granted access to.

When a GET request is made to this endpoint, the API response contains a list of Bills with the selected parameters that are associated with the specified Organisation. 
POST /api/v1/companies/{companyId}/xero/bills
This endpoint allows you to create a Xero Bill request in the Draft status.
PUT /api/v1/companies/{companyId}/xero/bills/{requestId}
This endpoint allows you to edit a Xero Bill request. 
POST /api/v1/companies/{companyId}/xero/bills/{requestId}/submit
This endpoint allows you to submit a Xero Bill request for approval.
GET /api/v1/companies/:companyId/xero/batch-payment/:requestId This endpoint allows you to retrieve specific Batch Payment details for a particular Organisation you have granted access to.

When a GET request is made to this endpoint, the API response contains the details of the Batch Payment. 
GET /api/v1/companies/:companyId/xero/batch-payment This endpoint allows you to retrieve a list of Batch Payments associated with a specific Organisation in Xero you have granted access to.

When a GET request is made to this endpoint, the API response contains a list of Batch Payments with the selected parameters that are associated with the specified Organisation. 
GET /api/v1/companies/:companyId/xero/credit-notes/:requestId This endpoint allows you to retrieve specific Credit Note details for a particular Organisation you have granted access to.

When a GET request is made to this endpoint, the API response contains the details of the Credit Note. 
GET /api/v1/companies/companyId/xero/credit-notes This endpoint allows you to retrieve a list of Credit Notes associated with a specific Organisation in Xero you have granted access to.

When a GET request is made to this endpoint, the API response contains a list of Credit Notes with the selected parameters that are associated with the specified Organisation. 
GET /api/v1/companies/:companyId/xero/sales-invoice/:requestId This endpoint allows you to retrieve specific Sales Invoice details for a particular Organisation you have granted access to.

When a GET request is made to this endpoint, the API response contains the details of the Sales Invoice.  
GET /api/v1/companies/:companyId/xero/sales-invoice This endpoint allows you to retrieve a list of Sales Invoices associated with a specific Organisation in Xero you have granted access to.

When a GET request is made to this endpoint, the API response contains a list of Sales Invoices with the selected parameters that are associated with the specified Organisation. 
POST /api/v1/companies/{companyId}/xero/sales-invoices
This endpoint allows you to create a Xero Sales Invoice request in the Draft status.
PUT /api/v1/companies/{companyId}/xero/sales-invoices/{requestId}
This endpoint allows you to edit a Xero Sales Invoice request. 
POST /api/v1/companies/{companyId}/xero/sales-invoices/{requestId}/submit
This endpoint allows you to submit a Xero Sales Invoice request for approval.
GET /api/v1/companies/:companyId/xero/quotes/:requestId This endpoint allows you to retrieve specific Quote details for a particular Organisation you have granted access to.

When a GET request is made to this endpoint, the API response contains the details of the Quote.  
GET /api/v1/companies/:companyId/xero/quotes This endpoint allows you to retrieve a list of Quotes associated with a specific Organisation in Xero you have granted access to.

When a GET request is made to this endpoint, the API response contains a list of Quotes with the selected parameters that are associated with the specified Organisation. 
POST /api/v1/companies/{companyId}/xero/quotes
This endpoint allows you to create a Xero Quote request in the Draft status.
PUT /api/v1/companies/{companyId}/xero/quotes/{requestId}
This endpoint allows you to edit a Xero Quote request. 
POST /api/v1/companies/{companyId}/xero/quotes/{requestId}/submit
This endpoint allows you to submit a Xero Quote request for approval.
GET /api/v1/companies/:companyId/requests/:requestId/attachments/:attachmentId
This endpoint allows you to retrieve a specific attachment associated with a request in the ApprovalMax API.
GET /api/v1/companies/:companyId/requests/:requestId/comments/{commentId}/attachments/:attachmentId This endpoint is used to retrieve a specific attachment associated with a comment of a request in the ApprovalMax API.
GET /api/v1/companies/{companyId}/qbooks/bills/{requestId}
This endpoint allows you to retrieve specific Bill details for a particular Organisation you have granted access to.

When a GET request is made to this endpoint, the API response contains the details of the Bill.  
GET /api/v1/companies/{companyId}/qbooks/bills
This endpoint allows you to retrieve a list of Bills associated with a specific Organisation in QuickBooks Online you have granted access to.

When a GET request is made to this endpoint, the API response contains a list of Bills with the selected parameters that are associated with the specified Organisation. 
GET /api/v1/companies/{companyId}/qbooks/purchase-orders/{requestId}
This endpoint allows you to retrieve specific Purchase Order details for a particular Organisation you have granted access to.

When a GET request is made to this endpoint, the API response contains the details of the Purchase Order. 
GET /api/v1/companies/{companyId}/qbooks/purchase-orders
This endpoint allows you to retrieve a list of Purchase Orders associated with a specific Organisation in QuickBooks Online you have granted access to.

When a GET request is made to this endpoint, the API response contains a list of Purchase Orders with the selected parameters that are associated with the specified Organisation. 
GET /api/v1/companies/{companyId}/qbooks/expenses/{requestId}
This endpoint allows you to retrieve specific Expense details for a particular Organisation you have granted access to.

When a GET request is made to this endpoint, the API response contains the details of the Expense. 
GET /api/v1/companies/{companyId}/qbooks/expenses
This endpoint allows you to retrieve a list of Expenses associated with a specific Organisation in QuickBooks Online you have granted access to.

When a GET request is made to this endpoint, the API response contains a list of Expenses with the selected parameters that are associated with the specified Organisation. 

POST /api/v1/companies/{companyId}/standalone/documents
This endpoint allows you to create new Stand-alone documents in the Draft status.

POST /api/v1/companies/{companyId}/standalone/documents/{requestId}/submit

This endpoint allows you to submit Stand-alone requests for approval.

PUT /api/v1/companies/{companyId}/standalone/documents

This endpoint allows you to edit Stand-alone requests.

GET /api/v1/companies/{companyId}/standalone/currencies

This endpoint allows you to retrieve a list of available currencies for Stand-alone requests.

GET /api/v1/companies/{companyId}/standalone/workflows

This endpoint allows you to retrieve a list of available Stand-alone workflows.

GET /api/v1/companies/{companyId}/requests/{requestId}/comments/{commentId}/attachments/{attachmentId} 

This endpoint allows you to retrieve an attachment of a Stand-alone request comment.  

GET /api/v1/companies/{companyId}/requests/{requestId}/attachments/{attachmentId}

This endpoint allows you to retrieve attachments of a Stand-alone request.

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