Tax Code Lists in the Organisation settings

Tax Code Lists in the Organisation settings

ApprovalMax supports the NetSuite TAX CODE LISTS INCLUDE setting, which controls the values shown in the tax codes drop-down list for the lines: Tax Codes Only / Tax Groups Only / Tax Groups and Tax Codes.

It mirrors the setting under NetSuite => Setup => Accounting => Set Up Taxes:

This is how it works in ApprovalMax:

In the main menu, select your NetSuite Subsidiary and navigate to "Organisation settings and connection" page under "Workflow and settings" section:

  1. With "Tax codes only" selected, ApprovalMax shows only the tax codes in the tax drop-down field
  2. When "Tax groups only" is selected, ApprovalMax shows only tax groups in the tax dropdown
  3. When "Tax groups and tax codes" is selected, ApprovalMax shows both tax codes and tax groups in the tax dropdown
When finished, save changes.

Please note: This setting affects every tax field: in NetSuite request creation/edit form in ApprovalMax.

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