Restrictions for file upload

Restrictions for file upload

During the creation of requests in ApprovalMax, you can attach files to a request or in comment section. However, some technical limitations do apply.
Below are supported file extensions, size and number of files that can be attached:

Here are the basic rules for attaching documents in the comment section of a request:

  1. File extensions:  .bmp, .numbers, .rtf, .csv, .odf, .rtf, .text, .doc, .ods, .tif,  .docx,  .odt, .tiff, .eml, .pages, .txt, .gif, .pdf, .xls, .jpeg, .jpg, .png, .xlsx, .ppt, .zip, .keynote, .pptx, .7z, .msg, .rar
  2. Max. file size: 10 MB
  3. Max. number of files: 10

Restrictions regarding attachments for QuickBooks Online Bills, Expenses and Purchase Orders:

  1. File extensions:  .pdf, .jpeg, .jpg, .png, .doc, .docx, .xlsx, .xls, .csv, .tiff, .gif, .xml, .eps, ai, .ods, .rtf, .txt
  2. Max. file size: 25 MB
  3. Max. number of files: 10

Restrictions regarding attachments for Xero Bills and Purchase Orders:

  1. File extensions: .jpg, .gif, .png, .bmp, .tiff, .pdf, .doc, .docx, .xls, .xlsx, .ppt, .pptx, .odf, .csv, .txt, .rtf, .eml, .msg, .ods, .odt, .keynote, .key, .pages-tef, .pages, .numbers-tef, .numbers, .zip, .rar, .zipx, .xzip, .7z
  2. Max. file size: 3 MB
  3. Max. number of files: 9

Restrictions regarding attachments for NetSuite Bills and Purchase Orders:

  1. File extensions: any - except .exe, .com, .iso, .dex, .crx, .dmg, .ps1, .msi, .cmd, .bat
  2. Max. file size: 10 MB
  3. Max. number of files: 100


Restrictions regarding attachments for stand-alone requests:

  1. File extensions: any - except .exe, .com, .iso, .dex, .crx, .dmg, .ps1, .msi, .cmd, .bat
  2. Max. file size: 25 MB
  3. Max. number of files: 20

Please note:

  1. All files will be checked by antivirus software
  2. All unsupported symbols will be automatically changed to supported symbols

For questions related to information security, please refer to our Security Portal.

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