Request Version History (Xero)

Request Version History (Xero)

The versioning of request details records a comprehensive history of your requests, which you can view to better understand the evolution of each one:

What does version history show?
  1. Creation time: when each version was created
  2. Triggering event: which action led to this version's creation (e.g. resubmission, edits in Xero, edits in the Review step)
  3. Creator: who made the changes (e.g. Reviewer, Requester).

Supported request types
  1. Purchase Orders
  2. Bills
  3. Sales Invoices
  5. Manual Journals
  6. AP/AR Credit Notes
  7. Contacts
  8. Xero Batch Payments
  9. Airwallex Batch Payments
Currently, request versioning is available in beta for Xero-connected Organisations. If you'd like to enable this beta feature for your ApprovalMax Organisation, please contact us.
After public release, this feature will be available in Advanced/Premium plans and trials. 
This is how it works
Versions are automatically generated when changes are made to a request's details (e.g. Line Items, Suppliers).
Click on the Clock icon in the request preview to access the version history.

Navigate through the list of versions, the data for each version will be displayed side by side.

  1. Enhanced transparency: understand the history of changes made to a requests
  2. Improved collaboration: track edits and contributions from different users
  3. Increased accountability: see who made which changes, and when
  4. Efficient troubleshooting: quickly identify and address issues by comparing different versions
Please note: Version generation for Xero requests started on 11 June 2024.


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