Release 2023-02-01

Release 2023-02-01

 NEW  Pulling Bills and Purchase Orders from the connected QuickBooks Online Organisation is generally available.

ApprovalMax supports the ability to pull documents that were created in QuickBooks Online without going through the respective approval process in ApprovalMax – such pulled documents, which weren't properly processed via the approval workflows would be marked respectively.
This feature is now available for Bills and Purchase Orders and can be configured in the respective approval workflow settings.

Please note: since the status of such documents is not clearly determined (there is no difference between the statuses Draft, On Approval and Approved), pulled documents won't be available for approval but can be used in Reporting, Bill-to-PO Matching and other ApprovalMax functionalities.

More details on this feature are available in our Knowledge Base.

 NEW  Workflow version control is now supported in private beta.

Every workflow version has the following data:
  1. Version # 
  2. Creation date and time
  3. Author
  4. Authors comment
By clicking on the workflows top bar button (with a clock icon), the list of workflow archive versions is shown:

The functionality is planned to be introduced as the part of Advanced and Premium plans.
If you are interested in enabling this beta feature for your ApprovalMax Organisation, please contact us.

 IMPROVED   Default Xero Purchase Orders navigations sections (filters) is extended with “Not Billed” – it returns approved Xero Purchase Orders, which are not marked as Billed.

 IMPROVED  The status of the request is now displaying on the "Start over" pop-up.

 IMPROVED  The list of supported attachment types for QuickBooks Online is extended with .ai, .docx, .eps, .jpg, .ods, .rtf, .txt, .xls.

 IMPROVED  Support of the order for NetSuite Custom fields:
  1. Custom fields on Bill & PO view form are rendered after the standard fields.
  2. Custom fields order is defined by the Order property.
  3. Order property can be changed on the custom fields setup page.
  4. Custom segments are shown first, then Transaction Body or Transaction Lines Custom fields.
 FIXED   The remaining amount of matched Purchase Order is now properly updated in ApprovalMax if any change is made to the PO in Xero.

 FIXED   Several fixes for NetSuite integration have been released:
  1. Amount field is properly updated upon line cloning.
  2. Price checker is displayed in view and editing forms.
  3. Attachments are properly synced to NetSuite.
  4. NetSuite request reference field is properly filled in Reports.
  5. Custom Fields are displayed only when their visibility is enabled.
 FIXED   Several minor issues have been fixed, the overall performance and stability is improved.

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