Release 2017-01-31

Release 2017-01-31

Adjustments to Fraud Prevention:

  1. In the past, if a document was approved outside of ApprovalMax without passing the predefined approval workflow, the default action was to send a notification and to automatically route such documents to ApprovalMax for approval. This setting has now been made optional to allow for the support of scenarios where documents are created and approved outside of Xero (e.g. in an Order Management system) and don't require further approval in ApprovalMax.
  2. ApprovalMax audit reports now include information on where the approval took place, in ApprovalMax or in Xero.
"Safety catch" feature added: when setting the approval workflow, it is now possible to set the default action to “Approve” or “Reject” for cases when no Approvers have been assigned.

The audit log now includes the events "Pulled from Xero"and "Pushed to Xero" for a more precise activity tracking.

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