Enhancements for all customers
New "Auditor" role
It is now possible to select the Auditor role for a person. Someone with the Auditor role can:
- See all requests in the Organisation
- Comment on all requests
- See all approval workflows
Persons with the Auditor role cannot:
- Force an approval decision
- Change the workflow settings
- See the Organisation's settings
Status badge reflecting the Xero synchronisation
If there are Xero connectivity issues, an approved document won't be not synced to Xero right away. In this case, its "APPROVED" badge will from now on be coloured grey rather than green.
Email fixes
- The "Approval required" reminder email was sometimes sent even after an request had already been rejected. This has now been fixed.
- Amounts with 4 decimal places are now being displayed properly
- The line item amount has been aligned to the right
- The date format has been fixed
- The delivery instructions have been fixed
Profile saving has been fixed
In some rare cases, saving the user profile didn't work. That's been fixed now.
Enhancements for Purchase Order creation (in beta stage)
Emailing a Purchase Order to the vendor
Requesters can now activate an optional setting, which will automatically send an email with the Purchase Order attached to the vendor after its final approval.
"Xero offline" mode now supported
Sometimes, Xero goes offline. And if a Purchase Order happens to be approved right this moment, it will join a queue and only be submitted to Xero once the connection has been re-established. This way, Purchase Orders will never get lost.
Mandatory tracking categories
An Organisation's Administrator can now set some tracking categories as mandatory to make sure that Purchase Order Requesters fill them in.