Pulling new documents and pushing back approval decisions (Xero)

Pulling new documents and pushing back approval decisions (Xero)

ApprovalMax pulls new Credit Notes/Purchase Orders every 1 hour during a day. However, due to Xero API limitations, it’s not possible to get them right after they’ve been created.
You can initiate manual synchronisation though by clicking on the Refresh requests list icon  you'll find in the top right-hand corner in any list of requests.
This opens a small pop-up window, which allows you to initiate the data synchronisation for all your Xero Organisations and displays information about the last synchronisation for each data type. 

Once a document has been approved in ApprovalMax, its status in Xero changes to Authorised immediately. If a document pulled from Xero has been rejected in ApprovalMax, its status in Xero changes to Draft immediately.

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