How to set up a default Email to the Customer (QuickBooks Online)

How to set up a default Email to the Customer (QuickBooks Online)

ApprovalMax supports setting up a default Email to the Customer for Organisations connected to QuickBooks Online.

This is how it works:

  1. In the main menu, select the Organisation for which you want to set up a default Email to the Customer and open the Approval Workflows page under Workflows And Settings:

  2. Open the Sales Invoice workflow:

  3. Click on the gear icon and scroll down to the "Email to the Client" settings:

  4. In the Email to the Client settings, you can:

Enable/disable this option:

    1. Enabled (the default Email to the Client block in Sales Invoices is enabled; however, the checkbox “Email approved Sales Invoice automatically to the Customer” is not ticked automatically)
    2. Enabled and checked (with this option, the default Email to the Client block is enabled in Sales Invoices and the checkbox “Email approved Sales Invoice automatically to the Customer” is ticked automatically)
    3. Disabled (the Email to the Client block in Sales Invoice requests is hidden)

      Set up a default CC email address
    Multiple email addresses can be added in the CC section; each email address can be removed in the Sales Invoice:

    Set up a default email template

    There are limitations to the length of a Sales Invoice email subject and body:

    1. Subject - 998 characters
    1. Body - 4,000 characters
5. When finished, save your changes.

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