How to pay a Batch Payment

How to pay a Batch Payment

When all approvals are in place, the Batch Payment is ready for payment by authorised Payers.

This is how paying a batch in ApprovalMax works

  1. Open the approved Batch Payment and click on the PAY button:

  2. You can pay each Bill separately*. Select a Bill and click on the PAY button:

  3. You'll need to authorise and confirm the payments in your banking application.
    There are two options for confirming: from your bank's website/mobile app, or via a QR code on your bank's mobile website:

  4. Repeat this procedure for each Bill in the batch.

    * If Bills from the same Supplier are merged into a single transaction, then the payment is processed per transaction.

    When the line status changed to Paid, ApprovalMax creates a Batch Payment in Xero with the accumulated payment amount.

The different statuses of Bills in a Batch Payment

  1. Ready to Pay – the batch is Approved and the Bill is Awaiting Payment
  2. Cancelled  the payment was cancelled by a user
  3. Processing  the payment has been authorised and the Bill is in the process of being paid
  4. Paid  the payment has been completed
  5. The status of Bills that were fully paid changes to Paid. When all Bills in a batch have been paid, the Batch Payment will be marked as PAID:

  6. Failed  the payment was rejected

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