How to handle cases with delivery confirmation/goods receipt (GR) in ApprovalMax (Xero)

How to handle cases with delivery confirmation/goods receipt (GR) in ApprovalMax (Xero)

ApprovalMax supports several ways to handle delivery confirmation.

One option:
You can use the setting Goods Received Note (GRN)* in the Purchase Order workflow to track the GR status in the Purchase Order. 
Learn more about GRN here.
Important note: GRN is used in ApprovalMax only for Purchase Orders with the Approved status. No information about the GR status is pushed to Xero.
*The GRN functionality is a part of Advanced and Premium plan.

The other option:

You can have a dedicated Delivery Confirmation (GR) step in the Bill workflow. Using this method, the Bill Approver confirms that the respective goods have been delivered (Goods Receipt). Also, the Bill can be matched with a Purchase Order, which is best practice. For further information, see how to match Bills with their initial Purchase Order(s).

Here's an example for illustration:

1. The simplest workflow with a step for Delivery Confirmation (GR):

2. A Bill with two approval steps (GR has been approved/delivery confirmed):

The Goods Receipt step has been approved (meaning the goods have actually been delivered), but the Bill has not yet been issued (its status is Open) and is waiting for finance approval.

3. A report shows all open Bills awaiting finance approval:

It is absolutely fine to use both these methods simultaneously.