Log in to your ApprovalMax account, if not yet done, then click on the button Connect to ApprovalMax for Xero:
Select a valid Organisation with an active Xero connection and click on ALLOW ACCESS:
Option 2, alternatively:
In ApprovalMax, go to your Organisation in the left-hand menu and open the Organisation Settings And Connection page under Workflows And Settings. There, click on CONNECT next to the Dext Prepare logo:
Select "ApprovalMax for Xero":
In the pop-up window, click on the button Connect to ApprovalMax for Xero:
Select a valid Organisation with an active Xero connection and click on ALLOW ACCESS:
On the next screen, click on Finish:
Once the connection has been established, all relevant Xero information will be synced to your Dext account so that you can select the respective values in the drop-down fields.
Now, configure the default settings for this integration (including tax and publishing preferences):
Please note: we currently only support Expenses.
Important note: please do not use GST on imports as a default tax rate because this is not supported by Dext and will lead to document pulling errors.
Define additional settings for documents captured with Dext
Go to My Profile > Account Details:
Here, you can set your preferred currency and tax extraction preferences.
Set up payment methods for documents to be published as Paid or Awaiting Payment
Whether documents are pushed to Xero in the status Awaiting Payment or Paid depends on the payment status of the cost item in Dext. You should specify the available payment methods at this point.
To do so, go to Lists > Payment Methods:
Here, you can add a new payment method by providing a name and (optionally) a reference.
Once a payment method has been entered, you can select the required Xero bank account from the drop-down list: