How to delete (offboard) a user in ApprovalMax (Xero)

How to delete (offboard) a user in ApprovalMax (Xero)

What is the Offboarding feature?

The Offboarding feature allows you to delete (offboard) users without leaving unnecessary traces that would block other operations in this Organisation. You can also replace offboarded users in their role as authors of requests in the workflows.

When do you need to offboard users?

When one of the ApprovalMax users leaves an Organisation, you’ll need to adjust the workflows/requests this user has participated in, and also remove all delegations this user holds. 

Who can offboard users?

Only Administrators or Account Owners can offboard in their Organisation users that have a User, Auditor, or Administrator role. The Account Owner cannot get offboarded.

How to offboard a user

  1. Select your Organisation under the main menu and go to Workflows and Settings > Users.
  2. Click on the three-dots button next to the respective user and select "Offboard". 
  3. In the pop-up window you'll see all approval workflows this person is involved in, along with the affected workflow steps and the respective user roles.
    For each workflow you have a choice: either just remove the user by clicking on REMOVE FROM WORKFLOWS, or specify another user as a replacement first and then click on REMOVE FROM WORKFLOWS.
    NotesPlease note: it is possible to not set a replacement for a Reviewer in workflows. However, the Review step will be deactivated if there is no alternative Reviewer.
NotesImportant note: if you see a greyed out button while removing a user, it means that it's currently not possible to offboard the only Requester/Approver in that step from the workflow. Such a user should be replaced even from deactivated workflows.
  1. In the next screen, you'll see all open requests this person is involved in as an Approver.
    You can now either select the same replacement for all open requests or pick a particular person for each document that’s pending approval:
NotesPlease note: in requests, you always have to set a replacement for a Reviewer.
  1. When finished, click on OFFBOARD in the upper right-hand corner.

NotesPlease note: you can delete a user who is a Requester from workflows, however, it is not possible to remove/replace such a user as the Requester from/in already created requests.

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