How to customise the NetSuite request form in ApprovalMax

How to customise the NetSuite request form in ApprovalMax

Aligning the ApprovalMax edit form with NetSuite requirements for Purchase Order and Vendor Bill workflows ensures that all essential fields are filled in during request creation in ApprovalMax. Certain fields that are not present in NetSuite can be hidden in the ApprovalMax view form. Customising the ApprovalMax edit form to suit the NetSuite form streamlines the approval process:
  1. If you don't fill in a field in ApprovalMax that is required by NetSuite, the request will be cancelled after its final approval.
  2. If you do fill in a field in ApprovalMax but this field will be hidden in NetSuite, the request will be cancelled during the push process.

Fields in NetSuite request forms for Purchase Order and Vendor Bill workflows you can customise are:

  1. Headers
  2. Expenses
  3. Items

    Available field states are:
  4. Editable (affects only the edit form, allows modifying this field)
  5. Hidden (the field is not visible in the edit and view forms even if it contains a value, and it is also not visible in emails and the audit report)
  6. Read-only (affects only the edit form, shows this field as read-only)
  7. Mandatory (affects only the edit form, makes this field mandatory)
Please note: because of the unique implementation peculiarities, custom fields can only be modified in a dedicated Fields section.

This is how you customise a NetSuite request form in ApprovalMax:

  1. In the main menu, select your NetSuite organisation and open Approval Workflows under Workflows And Settings.
  2. Select the respective Purchase Order or Vendor Bill workflow and click on the  icon:

  3. Next to the field you want to set, click on its Field State and select the preferred option:

    Please note: some fields are mandatory and their state cannot be changed.

  4. Click on DONE to update the approval workflow.

Here's an example:
In the Purchase Order Field section, set the Billing Address to Hidden, the Reference to Mandatory, the Terms to Read-only:

In the edit form, you now don't see the (hidden) Billing Address, the Reference field is mandatory and the (read-only) Terms cannot be edited:

This is what the view form looks like:

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