How to connect ApprovalMax to Slack

How to connect ApprovalMax to Slack

ApprovalMax now supports an integration for Slack. This enables users to receive notifications in Slack, approve/reject requests from Slack and to leave comments.

How to install the ApprovalMax app in Slack

  1. Install the ApprovalMax integration for Slack by connecting to your Slack workspace via this link:
  2.  If you are not logged in yet, please log in now to your Slack account for this workspace.
  3. Confirm the connection between the ApprovalMax integration for Slack and your Slack workspace:
  4. Once the ApprovalMax integration for Slack has been added, a confirmation will be displayed:

How to connect your Slack user profile and your ApprovalMax user profile

  1. Search for the ApprovalMax application and add it to your Slack workspace:

  2.  Click on Connect To ApprovalMax:

  3. Connect to your ApprovalMax account (if not done yet), then allow the ApprovalMax integration for Slack to access your ApprovalMax account:
  4. You'll see a confirmation message:

  5. You can then return to the ApprovalMax integration for Slack to work with your requests.

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