How to approve/reject/comment a request from Slack

How to approve/reject/comment a request from Slack

The ApprovalMax integration for Slack supports two ways for approving/rejecting/commenting a request: from the Requires My Decision list on the Home tab (approving, rejecting and commenting are currently not available from this tab) and from the Messages tab.

How to approve/reject/comment a request from the Messages tab

Click on the Messages tab and you will see the list of requests that require your decision:

To approve a request, click on the Approve button.
Once a request has been approved from Slack, it will be displayed at the bottom of the list:

To reject a request, click on the Reject button and optionally provide a comment:

To add a comment to a request, click on the Comment button.

How to approve/reject/comment a request from the Requires My Decision list on the Home tab

To approve/reject a request or make a comment, click on Requires My Decision under the Home tab.
You will see the list of requests that require your decision.
To see the details of a request, click on See Request:

If you'd like to access the request in ApprovalMax, just click on the name of the request and you will be redirected to ApprovalMax.
To approve/reject/comment the request, click on the respective button.
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