How to approve/reject/comment a request from Slack
The ApprovalMax integration for Slack supports two ways for approving/rejecting/commenting a request: from the Requires My Decision list on the Home tab (approving, rejecting and commenting are currently not available from this tab) and from the Messages tab.
Click on the Messages tab and you will see the list of requests that require your decision:
To approve a request, click on the Approve button.
Once a request has been approved from Slack, it will be displayed at the bottom of the list:
To reject a request, click on the Reject button and optionally provide a comment:
To add a comment to a request, click on the Comment button.
To approve/reject a request or make a comment, click on Requires My Decision under the Home tab.
You will see the list of requests that require your decision.
To see the details of a request, click on See Request:
If you'd like to access the request in ApprovalMax, just click on the name of the request and you will be redirected to ApprovalMax.
To approve/reject/comment the request, click on the respective button.
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